Taquile Island

Taquile Island is a small island situated in the western portion of Lake Titicaca in South America. Taquile Island is considered a part of the nation of Peru, and is located about twenty miles away from the city of Puno. Taquile Island covers a total area of about two and two tenths square miles, and encompasses a total population of roughly two thousand two hundred residents. Taquile Island has a Quechua culture, along with much of the nearby land on the shores of Lake Titicaca. Taquile Island and its residents, the Taquilenos, have a unique and fascinating culture, which was recognized by UNESCO in 2005 for its unique brand of textile and clothing production. Unlike many other cultures, textile creation on Taquile Island is performed only by male Taquilenos. Taquileno culture is unique in a number of other ways as well and is characterized by a collectivist attitude and a moral code derived from ancient Inca traditions.

Taquile Island is a highly mountainous island, situated in the midst of an already elevated lake. Taquile Island sees a modest number of tourists in any given year, but the economy also relies on fishing and agriculture. Taquile Island boasts a unique culinary style, which combines local ingredients with traditional dishes and outside influences. Taquile Island was a part of the ancient Inca Empire along with the rest of the nation of Peru, and the island hosts a number of ancient Inca ruins. These ancient ruins are a popular tourist destination, although many elements of traditional culture were eliminated by Spanish conquistadores. A combination of indigenous and colonial cultures persists on Taquile Island, as evidenced by the annual Fiesta de Santiago and a number of different festivals.